i'll wade in on this.
Is there a reason to cull the numbers? If it is a matter of crops? or something else that could a affect the farmers livelihood, then shouldn't that tripper be pulled.
Would that mean then that if you let the culling stop, would that make the culler a sadistic person for threatening a livelihood?
I wouldn't know. I could just be a whisper in the wind. A devils advocate. A different perspective. A sadist perhaps?
I meant person that would shoot a mother kangaroo knowing that it's baby would die of starvation. That kind of person would be quite sadistic...
The baby will eventually become an adult.
Two birds with one stone.
Life is brutal.
I don't disagree with you
Thanks for your comment
I was hoping for me conversation, but I think it was my fault as my response doesn't leave any other form of counter argument.
Thank you for your time.