I was writing a long reply to this which was thought provoking, but the app closed and deleted it all #funtimes
Here's the gist:
How do you decide it is "go time"?
Think of all the scenarios. DefCon level 3 now. Russia and US are not playing nicely of the play ground (the world)
Food shortages? Supply chain mishaps Suez canal vibes? Russian subs breaking through 1,5m ice in the arctic? It's all being thrown in the meltdown pot.
Perhaps another post for people to think about?
Cheers bud.
Oh no, that's never a good thing...I've had it happen a few times too.
There's many things to consider with this topic and knowing when to bug-out or stay outbid a critical decision one can only make for oneself. It depends on so many factors, all specific to location. Also, in some cases going may be more dangerous than staying. So many factors.
Very true and that's the trickiest part for me.