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RE: Discipline and training

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

Damn. Over a mile? That's some serious long shooting.

To the question: Yes, I have become an expert at a few things. I was probably on my way to becoming an expert shooter til I lost my dominate eye when I was 20. I switched shoulders and am no better than average today. The only reason I am even average is that there are a lot of dickheads in the pool that drag the average way down.

Fly Fishing. For about 25 years I was either fishing or tying bugs or thinking about fishing or tying bugs. I great mentors-a legendary tyer that ran a 'rookies' class to supplement his supply sales. I took the class, sucked up like a mad dog and got to know the tyer. I could drop into his shop any time and sit down at his bench to show what I could do and he would show me what I couldn't do. The fisherman had started pre WWII with bamboo poles and silk line. If you can throw bugs with that sort of set up, you can throw bugs with modern gear. He could. He was old by the time I got to him so we couldn't do really active fishing (I mean crashing about a stream) together but there were places I could go and learn with him. I did-and he taught me how to fish a stream with couch sessions. I learned. Discipline? Yeah. I tied bugs like crazy when I wasn't fishing and tried stupid shit that worked. The fisherman hated cats but he liked my Siamese because I kept his belly trimmed. I used the hair in fly bodies :) I'd practice casting in the park near me with no bug-just a small piece of yarn that I could see tied on. Like 3 or 4 times a week.

I had a health problem and had to quit (actually, I probably could have hung on to some extent but couldn't bear that option.) I never looked back. Both of the mentors had died by that time.

I also take a disciplined approach to my motorcycle riding. If I identify a fault or weakness I work consistently to eliminate it. I'm still alive, I must have done something right.


I'm average at so many things Tom, I'm ok with it. Even with shooting...Me with a shotgun? AVERAGE! Lol.

Fishing isn't my thing man, I mean I can do it, catch stuff too, but it's not something I'm overly good at and I respect those who are. All those bloody knots and hooks and lures, fucken hell...Just go to the fish and chip shop. Now, that's something I'm really good at when it come's to fishing: "two pieces of cod and a couple bucks worth of chips please." See? I can fish!

I think I know you well enough to say you're a modest bloke, like me, and are probably good at so many things. It's a good way to be right?

And yes, well over a mile.