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RE: Twenty Two LR

in Outdoors and morelast month

That one is much cooler than mine. I have a Remington Speedmaster 552. It's actually the only non shotgun rifle that I own now. I used to have that 30/30 I told you about but I sold it to my friend for his daughter to hunt with. I also used to have a .22 Romanian that had a four or five round clip. That gun was a hoot to shoot. It was really fun for plinking, but I left it at a girlfriends house and forgot about it. We broke up and it wasn't until years later I remembered it. Now when I talk about it I just say I "lost it in the divorce".


Haha, I wonder how many blokes have lost their firearms in the "divorce" over the years. You could always track her down I guess but she might confuse you wanting your rifle back to you wanting her back. Best to let it go I think. 😀

It didn't end well, so most likely I would end up on the barrel end of the rifle instead of the butt end!

Haha, yes that's a risk not worth taking.