I'm afraid of guns but I believe they have a place. Not that I would ever want to own one - you hear of too many accidents and incidents.
I'm afraid of guns but I believe they have a place. Not that I would ever want to own one - you hear of too many accidents and incidents.
A lot of people are; I guess people fear what they don't understand sometimes, or have had experiences that cause them to fear things.
It's funny though, all the firearms accidents you mention...Since 2019, 635 drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists have been killed by drunk drivers in Australia and yet anyone and everyone over the age of 18 can walk into a shop and buy alcohol without any regulation at all. I guess, considering that, it's maybe the (drunk) person driving the car that brings the risk, not the alcohol, or the car itself.
You know, I've taken many people who fear guns out for a shoot and they all loved it. It might not be for you, bit if you were here I'd offer to take you so you could understand it all theough some first-hand experience.
Thanks for your comment.
One should respect any potentially dangerous piece of machinery, but fear might not be a healthy response. You might want to consider taking a firearm safety or hunter education course. Learn what you can do to prevent accidents and incidents. Learn what constitutes a real hazard, and what is baseless.
Good advice -thank you