First Snowshoe 2023

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I got to do a little snow shoeing with the little man!


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First Snowshoe 2023

It's funny, the other day I was just writing that I was sad that we didn't get to do any snow shoeing yet this year but lo' and behold, we ended up getting enough snow and cold weather that it stuck around and allowed us to get out there and have a little bit of fun!

One of the things that quite a few people say about the weather where we are, wait a day and it will change on you in unexpected ways. That for sure happened this week! Lol. I will not complain about the mild winter we had, because we no longer have an all wheel drive car right now so that means it's a little more dangerous to be on the roads but we've made it work. What I was looking forward to a little bit though, was having some snow fall so that we could get out there and enjoy some snow shoeing adventures!


We got a little bit of snow of late and that was good but what was also just as important for the snow was that we would have temperatures that would support the snow sticking around for not just 24 hours before melting! Lol

We've had quite the range of temperatures here this winter. We've had beautiful days where it was in the 60's and we were at the beach in the middle of winter, and we also had the coldest temperatures that I've ever experienced in my life. That's quite a range but if there's one thing about life is that it can throw a curveball at you here and there! Thankfully this one was back to the normal weather of where we live and we got a decent amount of snow and then we got a nice cold snap so the snow stuck around. It's actually 10 degrees Fahrenheit while writing this, which is pretty chilly but it keeps the snow around so that's good!


The little man was itching to get out and do something, he was feeling cooped up in the house and I was teasing him a little bit saying that I had something fun planned but wouldn't tell him what it was. He didn't love that and was bugging me for an hour before I gave in and told him that we would be going snow shoeing. He was ecstatic because as I mentioned, we haven't gone yet this year!

Last year we went snow shoeing quite a few times and it really was a lot of fun, it was great bonding time for him and I and it got us both out doing some exercise which we both definitely need. The beauty of it was that this wasn't a really difficult little trail to get to, it was pretty close to home and offered some nice views and spots! I'm certainly going to enjoy this one again if we can keep the snow around for a little while longer.


We went for about 90 minutes or so which was great but what was interesting is as we were out there, the temperature kept getting colder lol so that didn't make for a very fun trip back. We were pretty warm and comfortable in the beginning half of the journey but eventually it was getting a lot colder and felt like the temperature dropped 3 or 4 degrees which was quite an interesting feeling! I don't know if I've felt that kind of temperature change when I've been outside in these climates besides when I'm snowboarding on a mountain and that's to be expected. Still though, it ended up being a really fun time.


The little man isn't the dude that he is without picking up some sticks though LOL. He gave me his ski poles in favor of this giant branch here and was hauling this thing around through the rest of the walk back to where we came from. It was funny and the kid is such an outdoors little boy that it's amusing needless to say.

He was in good shape throughout the snow shoeing journey here and didn't get cranky and cold until the last few minutes so that was a pretty good win for me, in that we got to burn off his energy which needs to happen for sure on a daily basis lol. Before I got to write this, he usually fights me to fall asleep for about 15 minutes or so but tonight he was laying in bed for about 5 minutes and passed right out! Made for a nice and peaceful night so that I can get to some Hive activities myself before calling it a night. Those are the best days, where you can get an adventure and then have the kids pass out tired from the fun!


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Obviously little man had a wonderful day today.

He did! He loves getting out and enjoying a nice bit of snow shoeing!

He reminds me of my son Fabian, he helps us look for firewood but always complains. It makes me laugh to see him with the firewood on his shoulder, I think that also helps them to value things and gives him experience to tell when we go to the city.
A hug to your little man. :D

Haha that's great! I love the outdoors kids for sure, it's far better for them in the long run to do these types of things!

Sounds like a wonderful day sharing your time with you little guy.

Thank you! It was a blast for sure, as difficult as the snow can be sometimes, it does provide a lot of great entertainment!

My kids loved the snow, especially when school was closed 😀

Yeah snow days were awesome lol. The kids these days get more snow days than we ever did! I’m glad they get them though because when the schools were closed 2 years ago they didn’t get snow days and that was ridiculous in my opinion.

Oh yes, school age kids took a blow when covid was at it's worst. I know my grandkids got depressed at not seeing their friends in school, they lost learning time as well as the socialization.

Glad that's all behind us now.

Have a great day, enjoy!

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All images belong to galenkp