I think it is very productive to look at it just they way you said it:acquiring skills. The more the better. I see nothing wrong with it because it affects no one in a negative way. I actually found it educative because I wouldn't have known such details if it weren't for your posts.No bang bang because no one shoots the freedom of expression lol
People mostly hate (and blame) the gun - I blame the person behind it. A crazy person in a vehicle can do as much damage as a person with a gun.
Drunk drivers do far more damage than the above event yearly around the world too.
That statistic from America...
So, is it the car? Nope...The person.
It's always the person. Just like it would be if I went mad, grabbed some guns and slaughtered a restaurant full of people. Not the gun. The person.
I don't feel the need to justify gun-ownership and I'm glad that becoming a licensed gun-owner here in Australia is an involved process. Being licensed for handguns (like I am) is even harder again...Like, a 9-12 month process involving the police and a licensed (registered) gun club - Even after that process only a single handgun can be purchased in a 6 month period and club membership (and minimum attendance and signed off shoots) must be maintained annually.
Many people that shouldn't have guns have them though and that is troubling. The people that concern me are those in organised crime with illegal firearms, the ones that the lawful gun-owner like me are banned from having.
For me, it's about having the skills and tools to do my hobby, and of course, those peripheral skills I've built around gun ownership as mentioned in my post.
Some like to drink alcohol, get drunk and drive home; Some like to build survival skills, hunt for food, and understand the safe and lawful operation of firearms. Fortunately we (most of us) live in a free world in which we have the right to choose.
The statistics definetely are revealing. Car accidents. Oh my. I think there should be much more strict regulations, some get their driving license way too easy.
I can remember loving driving my vehicles...Now, with so much traffic on the road, poorly maintained roads that don't keep up with volume, and so much inattentive driving it's like a war zone on the streets. That's why I like to off road so much, be in remote places.
Traffic is dreadful. Losing so much time and getting stuck is a waste. I am sure offroad is a much better experience