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RE: Innovate or imitate?

Innovation has decreased significantly, and marketing has increased a lot. A small update today is seen as a major innovation; cell phones are the most well-known example, but it's the same across the board.

I came to comment because I looked at each photo in detail; I felt like a kid in front of a candy store.

It's true that many of them are models from years ago, but I can't recognize the red one ( the one from your last post about #weekend-engagement ,).

More than the innovation issue, I loved seeing the photos, but I'm sure you expected a comment like this from me 😅😅


There's a lot to like at shows like this 4x4 one I went to.

That vehicle is the Toyota Landcruiser "70 series" a tough as nails, fairly basic, thing that's popular here. This one has been heavily modified so over the $85,000 purchase price they've probably added about $45,000 and more.