Great photos. I can't really understand exactly since I have no expertise or experience here, but I enjoyed following along as you described the process.
The way you describe it and the advantages to doing it yourself so that you control every detail, it reminds me a little of Japanese calligraphy (shodo). I'm only am amateur in that, but my wife is an expert and I watch her at it often. When you draw there, you don't just get ink as a painter would, you take an ink stone and grind the ink to be the exact way you want it. Controlling the process. Some people who try to make their own inkstones, though I understand that is more rare because it is a very intensive process to do that well.
Not exactly the same as what you are doing, but it does give me a little understanding to your goals in doing it.
Anyway, very interesting stuff!
Thanks mate, it's more about the photos I guess because it's unlikely anyone will get it as far as the reloading stuff unless they have done it or seen it done. This is why I kept it all very simplistic.
My sister in-law is full Japanese and does shodo/shūji also. It's nothing at all like making ammunition, but from the perspective of precision, control and discipline there's definite similarities. My SIL does Japanese tea ceremonies and it's the same thing, precision and discipline. I have some cool photos from a year ago of her doing one which I've been meaning to post about. I'll get around to it sometime.