Great guide! My family and I have an earthquake kit with most of those things you mention. There is a major earthquake that is about 50 years overdue for this area. According to the government, it's expected to be even worse than the 9.1 Fukuoka quake that hit 10 years ago and is expected to pretty much destroy most of central Japan. Happy thoughts.
Of course in the event of a major earthquake, the house could collapse and catch fire, and all the supplies in our emergency kit with it, but it's better than nothing. We also keep a second emergency kit at my school, so that is something. We are far enough inland that even a giant tsunami wouldn't reach us, but flooding from rivers could be an issue.
May neither of us ever have need of these emergency supplies, but as you say, it's good to be prepared.
Yep, Japan is certainly an area in which these principles should be applied for sure so it's good to hear you've got it it sorted.
I agree, the disaster could be so catastrophic that any level of preparation could be rendered useless but if one survives that initial event then some preparation will go a long way. The other thing is that an ethos of preparation and readiness can help mitigate the effects of normal everyday emergencies like cuts, falls, cooking fires and so on that happen every day in homes around the world.
It's good that you are onto it.