The entrance to the park from Chacaíto is about 100 meters east of the Boyacá monument, on the road of the same name. He is one of the most famous and most active people.


The entrance to the park from Chacaíto is about 100 meters east of the Boyacá monument, on the road of the same name. He is one of the most famous and most active people. To get there, you can take the TransChacao public transport, whose stop is on Av. Francisco de Miranda, next to Luz store.


Then you have to be at the stop at the La Castellana junction, where the journey west towards the entrance begins. Boyacá, better known as Cota Mil. After walking for about 5 minutes, you will see (on the right) the steps leading to the pike entrance that emerges from the asphalt road and leads to the PGP Chacaíto (1,185 meters above ocean). highway, a little steep, but with a nice view of the city and Cota Mil. Among the places you can visit is the famous golf course of Caracas Country Club.


The grass is also very tasty, in these areas there are many cocuiza, bamboo, barba de palo, among other species. A little further you can see the great Virgin, which is the Virgin Mary Help of Christians, bathed in gold, which was installed in 2001, made in the image of another image placed in the square in the south of Altamira . Learn more about his story. From more or less Virgin places, you can see in the distance the place known as "El Banquito '' (1,600 meters above sea level), on the road to Altamira, which is called because there are few seats in the forest area.


in which (if it is not too crowded) you can sit and contemplate the beautiful view of the city of Caracas. After passing the Virgin, you will reach the PGP Chacaíto (1,185 meters above sea level). The hike up to this point takes about 25 minutes, depending on how fast you take it. Here, you would like to introduce yourself to the park supervisor assigned here,


, let him know about entering the camp and where you are going. At PGP Chacaíto you can enjoy the delicious modern ice cream prepared by your friend "El Tío''. Don't forget to charge your battery with cold water, and the drinking water at the door starts the Firewall. You can also enjoy going to the toilet, which is located on the road that goes northeast to the Chacaíto Valley. Three ways to start from PGP Chacaíto:


To the west is the Cortafuegos trail, a flat trail, about 5 km (good for walking or jogging), that reaches the PGP Loma del Viento and San Bernardino. The east leads to the Chacaíto valley (1,150 meters above sea level), a stream with water all year round.


The third path (to the northwest) is accessed by the stairs on the right side between the PGP Chacaíto and the door that starts the Firewall. It leads to Loma Matamoros, then to the refuge of Los Naranjitos, Los Pinos and joins Papelón and San Bernardino. From the PGP Chacaíto to the valley it takes about 20 minutes. It is a flat road where you can enjoy the beautiful view of the city, and the grass called "bag Caracas energy" and wildlife


. it creates life in it. In the valley, there is a shelter built with stones and slabs, unlike the trees that are often destroyed. This refuge is known as "El Potrero". Unfortunately, it is often overgrown with weeds. The river Chacaíto, like all those of Ávila or Waraira Repano, is very cold, but we can say that its waters move and after we go, we are full of courage and enter them. Sabas Nieves's approach is also often achieved. Every time you go on a trip, remember to take it slow and remember the beauty that nature always gives us.