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RE: Hate it but do it

I hate going to the hospitals/visiting doctors. But sometimes I have to do it. Just because of my disability I normally have to go to a day hospital for a month every year. The best thing about that is that it is day hospital so I still return home and normally have time to write posts on hive. The bad thing is that I still lose about half a day. I also have to go to the doctor from time to time due to high blood pressure. Good thing that I only change glasses very rarely. The last time when I went to check my eyes doctor put some fucken shit in my eyes and after that I was barely able to see especialy against the sun. So I barely managed to get into bus and get home. That was fun...not.


Could you imagine if there was fucken sand in hospitals? My worst nightmare! Lol.

It's a pity you have to go to the hospital now and then, I do too actually, but we have to do stuff like that sometimes, stuff we don't enjoy. It's just a good thing there's no bloody sand in there!

I am also not very fond going to the graveyards. I am not religious and don't believe in things like a soul or after life so I see the whole expensive funerals and taking care of graves thing as a waste. After I will I die I would like to be given to the wild animals as food. I believe Diogenes also had the same wish. I just fear that animals would get accustomed to human meat and would be more aggressive afterwards...

That's a good plan, or they could throw you in the vegetable garden so that as you decompose you could fertilise the ground. A perfect use for a dead body.