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RE: Innovate or imitate?

It's the same with mobile phones. They bring out a new model and what does it have? A faster processor, more AI and a larger megapixel camera - big fucken deal. The cost? Fucken way larger too.

I am happy with my redmi 9A that costed less than 100eur(?). especially now when it seems that I found a setting that blocks spam calls. Only took me a bloody fucking year.


Oh yeah, those spam callers. Mother fuckers! My phone tells me if they're "reported numbers" and gives me the option to block them too.

most of the time I used to get 1-2 a month. But not long ago those bastards kept calling-I got maybe 6 or 7 unknown calls one after the other. So I had to do something. Good thing that that blocking setting seems to be working.