Faith suggested I didn't use that title...But what does she fucking know?! Lol.
Yes man, it's a complicated thing; People think it's all beer and shooting watermelons down the back paddock near the creek...But no, to be good at it so many things need to come together. This is yet another.
Thanks for commenting, I was beginning to think the prospect of reading a post about being well-fingered had put people off.
You get down here mate, I'll take you shooting. I don't know it all, just a backwoods yokel really, but I'll get you underway. 🙂
I think the title roped me in for a comment, couldn't resist :)
Again with the watermelons eh, I can picture them right now, although in slices and in a bowl ....
Cheers, still saving in Hive Power so we shall see :)
Everyone likes watermelon.