I wonder what you'd be like on the skateboard now. I know I'd probably crack my noggin in two if I got on one, but come to think of it that would have probably happened when I was 16 too.
I have lost many skills, or had them decline to the point of being almost unusable, over the term of my life. I guess things change and what was once needed isn't always needed. We grow and develop also, and often the skills we had and no longer use have helped us to gain those we do use.
Very true! Those original job skills helped me learn lots of other things to end up where I am now, with a whole different but important set of skills. I appreciate the project skills I’ve learned because it helps me break things down in stages a lot better whereas I don’t know how much I was really doing that before. It will help me in the long run I think!
I know that I can ride around and do some tricks still, though absolutely not the extent of what I did before and with the precision I did before but I know I’ve still got a couple up my sleeve! I would be wearing a helmet guaranteed now though lol this thing needs to serve me and my family for another few decades! Hell I would probably do wrist guards too lol
With those skills, they build up and change, morph into something often quite different from what they originally were. That's layers forming. You're still using the skills probably, just unconsciously.
If you decide to wear a helmet, don't make it a KFC bucket, it won't work well. Lol.