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RE: Long talk

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

Exactly, distance and target. Alot of the work happens well before the shot and there's tools to assist with the FFS (field firing solution) like range finders and ballistics solvers. I never use a wind meter though, I call it manually. A few clicks here and there and accurate rounds go down range. Clearly there's more than that, but I'm trying to say that a lot of the work, set-up, is behind the scenes, not in the field.

It's a great thing to know, for me anyway, and brings confidence. Motor skills and math...Yep, a really good way to put it. I wish I could take you for a shoot. I know you'd be hooked.


I am sure that I'd be hooked. With any luck, we will hang out one day and grab a beer - and maybe a shooting outing!

Sounds like fun...We'll need some watermelons.