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RE: Basic skills and confidence

in Outdoors and more4 months ago

The government doesn't feel protection carry as a legitimate purpose of use so we can't say that.

When. Hunting I have a purpose of use so carry of course, but one can't simply carry. Furthermore, one needs to be able to prove one is hunting/culling to be able to carry which means permit to be on the property, listed on the culling register, hunting permit and so on as appropriate for the situation. In that case, one can carry. Of course, at no point can someone carry a handgun for any purpose other than club use unless one has a reason like a licensed security person. Not even our cops can carry outside of their job, even if they have a firearms license, which most do not.



Wow... That is what I kinda figured from some of the stories I have heard.

I guess a big ol' samurai sword will have to do the job then.

And some kung fu...untitled.gif

Yeah man, krav maga and a fucken big sword goes a long way. ✅