Indeed, a little thing, but one that can have such devastating impact. As for the science, I've written about some of it before and always try to keep it rather basic, but the concepts can be very complex without a little practical experience behind it and I find it difficult to write about sometimes. Part of the problem is one element is so intrinsic to the next so breaking it down can be problematic.
On the military thing...Rounds kill of course, but the theory behind wounding is that the combat effectiveness of a unit is greatly reduced when burdened by wounded. It's demoralising too; a man screaming in pain for his mother whilst combat ensues affects everyone within earshot. Then when the helicopters come in, the enemy get to shoot missiles and RPG's at it. The debacle that was the Battle of Mogadishu -1993 (the Black Hawk Down incident) demonstrates this situation perfectly and shows how wounded men can see the best laid battle strategies rendered ineffective.
Anyway, that's about enough of that. Thanks for your comment. I know it's often difficult for people to feel they are able to comment effectively when I post these things, but I really like people trying as mostly the comments are really good, like yours here.
Thanks so much for your comment @galenkp. Guns are a tricky thing for me as like to the majority of the British population we've never been exposed to it, and it isn't such a big thing in UK like USA where it's quite common to own a weapon. That said there have been a few shooting incidents in UK which has shocked the nation, just hope these don't escalate and get out of hands. We have enough other problems ☹️
I understand, here in Australia we don't have anywhere near the gun culture of the States but there's certainly guns here. After thirty three years of shooting and owning them I feel comfortable of course, but I understand that it can be an awkward topic for those not familiar with them. That's why I appreciate comments people make on posts like this.
You're right too, there's a lot of problems all over the place, there's a lot of sorting out to do huh?