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RE: Big Dog's new boots

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

That's the one. I was lucky to get away with it so lightly, it could easily have gone far worse...and that wasn't even an old tyre. I've always been careful with tyres, check pressures weekly and visually inspect, seems prudent.

That image is a newborn horse's hoof? Ye gods!


I saw a clickbaity video which I clicked saying newborn horses gives are like alien monsters and they were right, they really were!!!

I guess you have to with the driving you do. I check mine every few weeks for pressure as I know it shags the mileage if they are too soft. With my old monster I need the best consumption I can get!!

I just googlerised it...WTF, who would have thought. Fucken wacky horses man. (Nature is weird though right?)

Nature is weirder than a baboon's ass!