Exactly, it's all going pretty badly but people seem incapable of seeing it, mostly. There is a world of hurt coming and some will be more prepared than others.
The land thing in the Netherlands happens here too, only it's the government selling up to the Chinese. It's bonkers, along with all the other bonkers shit that goes on. There's a fall coming, and many will go down with it.
Wait... what the real f?!?
I talked to a friend who lives in Australia today and asked about firearms laws. He said Australia is pretty much unarmed. Is that true? So basically there's no chance against the government?
Australia is not unarmed, I have more than 20 firearms (handguns, rifles and shotguns) personally and there are millions out there. I've done many posts on my shooting and guns. So, your friend is wrong.
Yeah, i know you've got guns that's why I asked. I guess my friend is just against firearms so he doesn't know.
There's a lot of misconceptions I suppose, most people that have no firearms know nothing about them, what's permissable and what the laws are.