It seems you're prepared and well-more prepared than most people. It's not difficult to do right? I think it also becomes more of a focus once one starts the process.
Communication is a difficult thing and most consumer-available comms devices will not span distances. Ham radio will be your best bet but training and licensing is required; for sure it's a good option though. People seem to think their mobile phone is enough but that's not true. A Satellite phone is a good option, one at your end and one at hers, but even then that relies on a satellite and they can be costly.
May it never come to pass, but may you continue to be prepared for when/if it does.
What is this satellite phone? Gonna look into that, thanks.
I've been working on all this for a few years now, starting with learning how to grow my own food. While it is all quite simple to do, the desire to do it in the first place requires a sea change in one's thinking.
Next up is firearms. I took a pistol permit course mostly to learn about guns, but think a shotgun is more suitable to the protection I think I might need - in my home.
Satellite phones connect to a satellite in orbit and beam the signal back down to anywhere on the planet...a good and secure means of communication...if the satellite is still in orbit. Check it out, it may be a good option.
As for the firearms know I have them and that I endorse having them for various reasons. It's something to consider and if done right can add a solid level of preparation in many different aspects.