Well, I though that was relevant considering it's about foraging which is basically what this post is about.
In respect of your prefer to die comment, people say that I guess, but it's not until a person is faced with the prospect of imminent death that they could truly understand what they might do to stay alive.
maybe not random but went kind of wild to the extremes? There are cases those situations do happen but I think it's not that frequent someone foraging will end up doing surgery cuz of some bad stuff they picked up. Then again foraging is not something the majority of the people of our time really do I guess since we mostly just buy from a supermarket or eat ready made food. also with the food safety and regulation it'd be rare for us to get into a situation with spoiled food so I guess we are really lucky for our time. Can't imagine those caveman times where can't really check if there's a parasite; guess they probably just died since surgery non existent during that era.
I guess it's hard to say until faced with the situation of death but I think it really depends on the situation. if i was like the only person left on earth alive, I feel i would consider dying as what's the point to live at that point if there's nobody around
Yep, for most, foraging happens at McDonald's.
Hmm...remember 2020/2021, that little thing called corona virus? People didn't think stuff like that cold happen, but then it happened and took people by surprise. My ethos is to always plan for the worst.
hey now don't expose me lol. I like mcdonalds ice cream
it's not a great memory but even though it was a bad thing a lot of great things came from it i feel. but ya nobody expected it and people were dumb and refused to wear masks when it was for their own good and for the ones surrounding them. Who knows maybe we will have something worse than corona and we will have to try to survive. I don't think many people were ready for covid. I think it's something we just have to be able to respond to but I guess we can have the thought of the possibilities but life is too short i think to worry about that super small % chance happening. We just gotta live to the fullest but idk that's just how i feel