
I see. My second Q - can these laser rangefinders be spotted on the field?

You mean, is there a little dot on the target they are pointed at?

No, the laser is invisible to the eye generally, it's not at all like how the movies depict lasers; that's done for effect and in real life that doesn't happen. There's very specific equipment developed and used for various purposes, weapon-mounted laser rangefinders and other equipment made for military purposes, including rangefinders. These should not be confused with laser targeting systems that project a red (or green) dot as a sight. I have one of those and they are a different thing altogether.

No I mean if there is an IR camera or some other equipment that can see where this laser is coming from.

There's tech that will do that, yes.

As I thought, yes. Good old math and calculations are still the go-to for stealth I guess. But all these modernizations will defeat any human on the field, I guess. All the specters of vision are making it harder and harder to hide. Robowars here we come.