So the criminal organization the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms explosives or batfe, is now going to defy the supreme Court and make bureaucratic decisions. This flies in the face of the recent supreme Court rulings.
However the criminal ATF agency isn't willing to wait and decided that they want to make up their own rules for the United States in opposition to the Constitution and normal laws that Americans have had for decades.
Banning a pistol brace is not going to do anything for the massive amount of crimes and it's just going to harass legal law abiding citizens and criminalize law-abiding behavior.
This absolutely will not affect criminal gun crimes. Gangs and the cartel will not even care over these noon policies and laws however this seeks only to harass and abuse legal gun owners.
And there is a bunch of common citizens that are already ready and willing to file a counter suit. And with recent shift in supreme Court we are now going to start seeing quite a bit of pushback against this agency if not an entire removal of this criminal agency from being allowed to continue to abuse the United States citizens.
And don't forget that no matter what you do this criminal government organization has set up a point system so that any pistol brace has to being recategorized and now must be registered as a national firearms act short barrel rifle and must undergo SBR or short barrel rifle registration and taxation.
Basically this looks to me nothing like a legal law abiding ruling and more like a push for massive funding and basically ripping off and stealing from the common people under color of law.
Basically this is a complete scam and absolutely set up to harass bullying criminalize and steal from law abiding citizens.
Personally I think that all of these criminal agencies need to be held accountable for each and every single one of the abuses that the entire organization has committed against the people.
I have written a couple of articles here about the previous abuses and the history of this criminal organization.
Hopefully in the next administration this government agency can be removed.
Batf agents have been caught defrauding the government.
This agency is also been caught illegally harassing searching seizing and abusing citizens.
There has been multiple examples of this organization stealing firearms and damaging them even though there was no legal basis for these actions and thefts.
Legal owners have had their firearms damaged and no recompensation given...
This bureaucratic gun control organization needs to be completely disbanded and removed from the federal registry of agents.
Wouldn't it be great if the SCOTUS declared all gun control laws and the ATF unconstitutional? I'm not holding my breath, but after these last couple weeks, I'm no longer completely convinced it's impossible.
Well it is we're rolling this direction we're going to have a lot of FBI agents getting canned as well for the political motivations and connections.
We have some egregious abuses of power. I think it's time that these criminal and unconstitutional agents and behaviors are held accountable.