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RE: I worked...But didn't

You slapped me in the face a lot. I know you are not here to give us a lecture on morality, you just bring us a personal reflection that we may or may not agree with. But I must say that with the point that many of us are not capable of killing animals but we consume and use products derived from them, then you make me feel really foolish and hypocritical. I wonder then, what can we do to avoid this? Even those extreme vegans escape it...what products are free from "the guilt" of having in their ingredients or components something that has nothing to do with the death of another living being? I repeat, it's something to ponder, your post accomplished that.

On the other hand, about shooting or not shooting that mother, in your place I would have done the same. You have firm values that even make you violate the imposed rules, that is firmness and I agree with you. My handshake for that decision.

A hug from a distance.

PS: beautiful photos.


Hi Gary, thanks for your message.

I'm not one to try and impose my will on others or take it well when others try to do it to me. I just call it how I see it. We're all different people with likes, dislikes and opinions.

I try and represent the things I do well, show people that there's often a story behind the story as there is with culling. If someone thinks a little more laterally, or into areas they may not usually, based on something I write, then I feel happy and content. I'm pleased you have pondered my post and thought a little more deeply and objectively maybe.

I feel I am a man of integrity and honour; killing that animal would not have felt right, no matter how justified it was, and so I did not. I am still comfortable with that decision and will make it again.

Thanks for your nice and thoughtful comment.

I understand your point, especially when we are those who like to write reflections and sometimes we are about to cross that thin line between reflection and an imperative recommendation. Fortunately your post does not go in that direction, it is noticeable and appreciated at the same time.

About feeling good if someone reflects, is motivated or inspired by something written by me, I already fulfilled my daily life purpose. It is my greatest satisfaction. There too we agree.

It was a pleasure to comment.

Again thank you kindly for your measured response.