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RE: Big Dog's new boots

Yep... Gotta keep the boots fresh

Mustang just got rebooted about a month ago. Around $1400 usd. Alignment included. Ya gotta line em up if ya gonna dance with new boots on.

Maybe someday the old Dodge will get it's 38 interco swamper/boggers. But it is pretty far down the wants and needs list.

I just got a DeWalt battery operated grease gun. So I am looking for grease fittings.

Can I stop by and lube you up buddy..? Har Har Hardy Har.

Or would you rather I did some routering for you. Tools and Tires, a campfire and a girl person...

The rest of the world can now EFF off thank you very much.



New boots for the 'Stang and DeWalt stuff in the same month? Jeez man, you're fucken spoilt! I like it!

Or would you rather I did some routering for you.

One must be routered dude, of that there is no doubt.