Escaping Vicariously through you. Also been working way too hard last few months. Staff shortages and commitments that must still be met on specific timelines. I'm not one to let it go, but still feel the need to pick it up myself. I did get out and shoot a bit, over the weekend, but not near enough time away. Lawn mower acted up and lost the better part of the day messing with it. I hate mechanical work (especially when it doesn't go perfect)!
It's so easy to go from one thing to the next and tell ourselves it's productive, that we're doing a good job, and making a difference; I think society is geared that way, to have those thoughts. But, there's more to life and to ensure we are living our best one I believe we need to stop, take a breath, a moment to let everything go and to find some inner peace. Everything else will always be there waiting for us.
Having said that, I get what you mean. Things need to be done, moved forward, finalised. Finding a balance somewhere between the two is a good plan, making it happen is often difficult though.