Very generous indeed. I hope that it comes back you multifold. Imagine what a wonderful world we would be in if we all lived by the Wiccan rule of nines..
"Mind the Wiccan rede you should,
Three times bad and three times good.
What do you comes back to thee, not just once,
but Three Times Three".
Blessed be.
Nice quote!
You know I'd loan you a firearm right? You're that sort of dude. I know it. It's a big thing to loan a rifle or handgun. Trust-factor is needs to be up there. I mean loan not let someone use it when you're standing beside them. It was essentially his rifle for a month. Trust.
Well, that's just cause you know I have some juicy ones to reclaim... lol. Kidding. Seriously, that means a lot for you to say and thanks. Same here, there's only two others, and one is my brother... others can shoot in my presence or buy their own..
Lol...Yeah I'd not as but...
Same ethos here.