Thanks for that link, interesting info. Holds right with my theory that using the 1 or 2 inch shorter Suppressor config may be just enough to keep them quiet. I really prefer the 40 grain Mini-Mag Hollow Points for general overall use. And I like the look of the pistol with the middle length configuration better as well.
Yes, it does look a bit like my own Star Wars Blaster!
I was just thinking about it and the bullets being just on the border of supersonic might be causing your distinct groupings too. Transonic aerodynamics make things complicated and could be bringing your point of impact to two different places depending on if they go supersonic or not. If it's the hollow points you want/need for pests, CCI makes subsonic HP and subsonic segmented HP rounds, if you can find them.
I think you're right about the groupings. I couldn't see the hits well enough at that distance to tell if the louder sounding ones were the ones going high right, but now I think about it, the count of them feels about right. I'll have to check this distance out again with different ammo. Always something interesting with different loads and weapon combo's!
I like being able to stay with the same ammo on multiple configs/weapons if I can, it just keeps things simpler than switching around ammo. CCI Mini-Mags are my normal go-to because they seem to work at least well or better than average in just about anything I put them in. As you state, there may be some differences this time that will cause me to choose special ammo for this which is different than my favored rifle ammo.. which is ok. My rifle seems to like the higher speed Velocitors anyway :)
Stingers get the hype but Velocitors are where it's at for high energy 22lr (a bit of an oxymoron :P)
By the way, I don't know if you're in the market for more, or if they're even still hard to find, but CCI's own retail website has some Mini-Mags in stock.
Thanks I will check again. That's where I bought my last batch, but they were out for quite a while. I agree, the few rifles I've tested in were all much more accurate with the Velocitors than the Stingers... and I had no problems with them feeding in 10-22's. The new 10-22's even come with a disclaimer not to use Stingers due to the slight variation in case length.