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RE: I see your dry goods stash and raise you a feather stick

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

Now this is interesting, this knowledge will be very useful in times of crises. But why have you been gearing up and practicing these sort of things, are you expecting an apocalypse? 😆 But actually, nobody sees one coming, so I guess it's best to be prepared everytime for it


Hello Kushyzee

Thanks for the stopping by and having a read. That's is actually exactly why I am gearing up, I'd rather at least be semi prepared for whatever kind of thing might take place rather to have no resources if it did, also I enjoy adding to my knowledge base.

It's interesting I had a scenario just this week that wasn't an apocalypse situation, but something that threw a spanner in the works none-the-less. The water mains burst in two places close to where I live and I was without running water from 7am to 10pm that day. It's a good thing I had bought water to keep for a situation where I might need it. There were many people that weren't prepared like that at all, so you never know when disaster might hit.

That's impressive! And you're totally right, we shouldn't just live our lives with the mentality that it's always going to be a smooth and fun ride, we should always be prepared to face obstacles and unforeseen events along the way. There are lessons to be learnt from this and it's not only in the aspect of preparing for an apocalypse but also making sure we have a fallback plan for when things go wrong

100% nailed it there. I'm more prepared than some and even I was caught off guard by the burst pipe which I didn't expect to happen. Luckily I had enough water to share this time around but in an apocalypse setting, sharing is a whole other topic and brings it's own challenges.

A little bit of prep just saves a lot of headaches down the line. Thanks for coming by, I appreciate it. Have an awesome day/night

You too have an awesome day 😊