Brown Trekker Adventure and Outdoor Gear: What made it Cebu's one-stop outdoor shop?

in Outdoors and morelast year (edited)

The pandemic has forced us to shut our doors from the outside world. Stay-at-home mandates were imposed, leading to a renewed perception of nature. What was once an ordinary park or mountain range became a craving for many. Or a need perhaps. That is why it was not surprising to see people flocking to the great outdoors once restrictions were lifted.

In a blink, outdoor activities skyrocketed and many started initiating different recreation experiences such as hiking, mountain climbing, road running, trail running, biking, moto-camping, glamping, freediving, and the likes. Along with these, sales and demand for gear and apparel soared.

[Me with Brown Trekker's WALKER tent at Mt. Naupa]

While major outdoor retailers like The North Face, R.O.X., Habagat Outdoor Equipment, Chris Sports, Decathlon, and Merrell have kept its consumer trust up, more and more Filipino outdoor shops are finding its way in the local competitive scene. Here in Cebu, we have PACgear, Southpeaks Climbinglife, Backwoods Outdoor Gear Shop, Kakkoii Outdoor Shop, Organik Outdoor Shop, and Brown Trekker Adventure and Outdoor Gear.

In this post, I'd like to share with you my visit to Brown Trekker Adventure and Outdoor Gear last weekend.

A go-to shop for your first campout

BrownSkin Outdoor Shop, the Cebu branch of Brown Trekker Adventure and Outdoor Gear.With another climb just around the corner, James and I decided to accompany @danahnatalie and @katiemeow to

As you already know, I have been taking my officemates to our weekend hikes and these pretty ladies were two of the most consistent. YAY! From hiking the highlands of Cebu to spending a night by the lake, these newbies have fallen in love with nature. So why not take it up a notch and have them experience their first major climb?

Luckily, one of our outdoor friends Enzo of Enzowa, was gathering hikers for a major climb this coming October. James and I signed up and we invited Danah and Kim to join the fun. To prepare for the upcoming event, we headed to Colon to canvass the necessary outdoor equipments.

Outdoor experience made cheaper

Located on the floor of Elizabeth Mall, Brown Trekker offers locally-made outdoor equipment at a Pinoy-friendly price. Under the brand, they offer a wide selection of backpacks, daypacks, waist packs, camping tents, sleeping bags, trekking pants and shorts, and drifit shirts for Cebuano adventurists to choose from. As you can see, they have a penchant for using bright colored fabric on their bags and tents, which sets it apart from mainstream brands.

Aside from their main products, Brown Trekker also offers a curated collection of generic outdoor accessories such as whistles, compass,headlamps, hammocks, pegs, camping chairs and tables, camping stoves, cook sets, collapsible cups and bowls, light weight utensils for camping (spoon / fork / knives), and many more.

Although their products may not be as high quality as Patagonia, Sea to Summit, or The North Face, Brown Trekker has proven themselves worthy. From newbies to good 'ol mountaineers, they have earned the trust in terms of functionality and, more importantly, affordability. Here are some photos from our different climbs featuring Brown Trekker's bestsellers.

[From L to R: John's Walker tent at Bocaue Peak and James' Haybol tent at Sirao Peak]

[From L to R: Shiela (Mt. Aminduen) and Jovy (Mt. KalatunganMt. Mandalagan) in his Brown Trekker hiking pants and backpack]) in their Brown Trekker backpacks, @ybanezkim26 (

Overall, Brown Trekker is a recommended shop for those who want to get into hiking and mountaineering without paying a hefty price. Check it out! 😁

Maria is a hopeless romantic who travels in pages and places. She is an INFP who loves sunrises and moonlight nights and reading books in between. On weekdays, she works for a self-publishing company as a copywriter. On weekends, she lives for life as a poet or hiker. She hopes to share her love for words and the world with you here on HIVE.

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Wow that's great you have so many places to choose from for outdoor gear. I love going to these types of places and seeing what new things they have. Your post has got me thinking of planning a short camping trip before it gets too cold here, haha. Thanks for sharing :)

Yeah right? Even if I won't buy anything, there's always this feeling of happiness going in and coming out of outdoor shops like this. It's fun to look at stuff we'd love to have in out future camping trips.

Most definitely most of the time we see and leave the store empty handed, haha.

Oi ka barato ba sa backpacks. My 32-liter backpack from another brand, I found it expensive pa diay bisag it was a discounted price. Murag daghan kog mapalit bisag di ko hilig og trekking sa bukid. XD but I used to work at Chris Sports diay.

Barato jud bitaw ilang backpacks and I have friends who are still using it after many years (and major climbs). Hehe. I guess, regardless the brand, how you take care of things also matters.

Working at Chris Sports has its perks for sure nuh? How I envy the discount or freebies ninyo hehe

I only got the chance to return to Chris Sports and bought something by the time I started traveling and backpacking. Kay sa panahon nga nag work ko sa Chris Sports kay I wasn't intro traveling, kay walay kwarta, gamay sweldo. Hehe!

Huhuhu🥺 thank you sa pag recruit namo jud te @mariasalve . Pero nakurat ko sa "pretty ladies" .🙊🙈🙉

Pwede ra jud nato ilisan og "ngileef" Dan! Hahaha. Excited nakos inyong gears 😁

Now that is one heck of a campsight and a view! Great collection at the shop honestly looks like the have the basics of everything.

Thank you! That first photo is in Mt. Naupa where you could witness one of the most beautiful sunrise in Cebu. 😁

This is a nice shop. Traveling and camping was been a dream life for me. So this is so nice that you can buy things that you can use during the adventures. 🥰

Thank you! I look forward to reading about your travels too!

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