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RE: Discipline and training

This topic is a good way to start our Saturday morning. Your homemade ammo shows me that you really put a lot of effort into accomplishing one thing. I have never become an expert in anything but have reached several plateaus. When I get to a plateau I find it difficult to move to the next level. I am pretty satisfied with my mediocre progress in Korean language, art, music, studies and even as a teacher. Like everyone else I find it a lot less stressful to stay in the comfort zone. If the necessity arises that I need to improve my skill then I quickly adapt. I think I have become sort of an expert on the spinach omelet. My stomach can attest.


I don't think this is altogether a bad thing you know. Your reach the level you need to reach to effect the task and stay there approach. I do the same with things that don't really matter, or need further effort. I mean, I'm never going to win the Olympics in my kayak, but I have a good level of skill to deliver the enjoyment I need. You know?

With shooting it's always mattered that I perform, in the past more so, but still now. So, I've worked hard to ensure my skills are well above that of those around me. Ok, that's sounds like I'm arrogant and need to dominate I guess, but that's not the case; I have had the need to be the best I could be and seek continual improvement for myself and my self-confidence.

I think it's important to know where to invest the time and effort and to what degree one does so. That way, a person can enjoy success at the right levels across all aspects of life and reserve the time to invest in the truly critical things.

I hope I'm making sense.

Thanks for your great answer, I appreciate it. Also, I'd be willing to submit myself as a lab0rate of sorts, to test out your spinach omelette skills.

I get it. Jack of all trades is okay until you need to kick ass and then it is hard to do that without being a jack ass.

On another note, social distancing rules have dropped a lot so if you do ever visit Seoul, I will buy you a drink and some !PIZZA Just let me know !BEER

Jack of all trades is okay until you need to kick ass and then it is hard to do that without being a jack ass.

This made me grin.

If I come to Seoul, (S.Korea is on my hit list) I'll let you know and add in a beer (or beverage of your choice) to compliment our pizza.


We have a saying, keep your eye on the target and make your best efforts, the result will be beyond your expectation. We should know what we can do and spend our time polishing our skills, cheers!

Indeed, being focused on the target (task at hand) will mean one is more likely to apply the discipline and training required to reach it (if it's a skill) or the effort, ownership and responsibility to actively pursue the result, mission success.