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RE: Destruction

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

This is a controversial topic, but I completely understand your point. There is a lot of hypocrisy and also a lot of people who abuse the power they feel by owning a gun.

I don't like guns and I wouldn't be able to kill either. (Well, if I'm in a situation of extreme danger and that's the only way to survive, maybe... although I can't say what I would do hypothetically, since in that case there's also the possibility that I might be paralyzed or decide to die or I don't know... wow, what a topic this is).

I have never been next to a kangaroo, nor have I ever seen one up close that I can remember. But...alas, I couldn't kill a kangaroo, it's just that if my survival depends on me having to kill a chicken, I starve to death.

Last year I had to put my dog to sleep and I almost died. I didn't do it myself, of course, but I had to decide that and I'm still not recovering.

I don't know... it's a complex issue this one. Because if I think about it I've killed cockroaches, reptiles, frogs... ants, scorpions, bees I've killed (poor things). It's just that I'm allergic and they can't sting me because I'd have to run to a hospital.

You say something... that you don't like to kill. And why do you do it?


Yep, you raise a good point...the "I've killed cockroaches, reptiles, frogs... ants, scorpions, bees," comment. People don't see it as killing though, but it is indeed killing. That's what ending something's life is...killing.

You say something... that you don't like to kill. And why do you do it?

I think I address this in the post itself.


I don't live in a fantasy world where people get to eat meat and use animal-based products but nothing actually dies. The reality of it is that animals die for human consumption and use, like I say, even in crop farming. So, I figure I need to cowboy-up and be prepared to do it myself rather than be a hypocrite. I've done a lot of killing, I'm good at it, but that doesn't mean I like it. I guess, the concept of my comment above (from my post) may be lost on someone who doesn't do it herself/himself. I am a responsible shooter/hunter and that means something to a hunter. (Or absolutely should! There's some who are irresponsible, but that's not everyone, that's the few.)

We all kill, as you so conveniently pointed out, and we all use animal products so I guess, myself included, so I feel compelled to take the responsibility for it.