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RE: Time poor but rich results

in Outdoors and more3 months ago

It's a good feeling, eating what you grow yourself, I only have little space in my garden where I grow tomatoes and blackberries but still it's rewarding and fun, my kids like to walk in to the garden to get a snack in the late summer 😊
For us it all starts around May 15 when we plant tomato seeds in a seed tray and keep them inside for 8 weeks because it's still too cold outside, of course this all depends on where in the world you are.


It's incredibly rewarding for sure, all that effort and care culminating into something edible, and tasty.

I don't like to complain about the weather really, but the farmer in me means I do especially when the weather doesn't align with my needs. (No I'm not a farmer, but think of myself as such in respect of my garden sometimes.)