Great outdoor experiences with the family

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

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Who do you think you are stealing my image to use on your post?

Had you asked if you could use it I would say no, but you didn't even have the courtesy to ask. So rude.

You'll get downvotes for this and I'm muting you.

The image below is mine, as clearly stated on the image. All of the photos were taken by me, at places I went personally, and none of them are yours to use. You even say the photos are your property in your post as per the snapshot below? How dare you!

What the fuck!


Hello my dear @galenkp God!!! but what vocabulary is that. I am clear that those are your images I just wanted to place them to imply that this is your community, not to use this medium to offend, At no time my intention has been to STEAL your images. I think you should learn to be a little courteous and respectful with your words and your way of addressing people who post on this social network. The fact that you are the owner of a community does not give you any right to offend or even less to accuse another person of stealing. I think this will be the last time I will write in this community because it is not worth it to wear yourself out on such disrespectful people. If you consider that I offended you by placing that image, I apologize.

Hello my dear @galenkp God!!! but what vocabulary is that. I am clear that those are your images I just wanted to place them to imply that this is your community, not to use this medium to offend, At no time my intention has been to STEAL your images. I think you should learn to be a little courteous and respectful with your words and your way of addressing people who post on this social network. The fact that you are the owner of a community does not give you any right to offend or even less to accuse another person of stealing. I think this will be the last time I will write in this community because it is not worth it to wear yourself out on such disrespectful people. If you consider that I offended you by placing that image, I apologize.

It's got nothing to do with the community, just the way you have taken my images and represented them as your own. Disgusting!

If you consider that I offended you by placing that image, I apologize.

This is not an apology...The use of the words "if you consider", indicate that you don't consider you've done the wrong thing. But you have! Your apology is disingenuous.

I think this will be the last time I will write in this community

I will downvote everything you post in any of my communities from now on anyway, at 100%, because your lack of remorse over using my images without asking.

I think you should learn to be a little courteous and respectful with your words

I think you should learn not to take other people's fucken images and represent them as your own. Just so you're clear, this is what you did...

took my images and represented them as your even said the words...that they were your own. That's disgusting and offensive...but you can't see it...just want to blame me for being upset that you took my images without asking first. What the fuck!

Had you cared enough to ask first I would have approved your request and given this post a good upvote, but you didn't, and now downvotes is what you can expect, and as your reputation score drops because of it you can think about what you've done...and think about my fucken vocabulary.

Be well Mr. @galenkp. If you think I offended you. I apologize.

You surely did.

All I needed was a heart-felt apology but you couldn't find it in yourself to do so and still use words like "if you think I offended you," indicating you do not think your actions were offensive...But they were. I'll not forget. Ever.

I don't understand why you are so upset, how do you know that my apologies are not sincere if you are not in my heart and don't know me. Again, I apologize. It won't happen again. Greetings and blessings.