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RE: Setting Up My Bear Bait Site!

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

That's awesome, your terrain out there I think is perfect for that style of hunting. Ours here though we're quite limited as what I've wrote in the post so the primary style for bear hunting here is with bait sites.

Our moose numbers have been on a decline for the past few years due to bear and wolf so a few years ago they opened spring bear season but before it was only fall season. In terms of numbers you're allowed 1 bear per year so the two seasons is simply to increase the odds for hunters to get their 1 each year because even though there's bait - it's definitely not guaranteed to bring in bears let alone at the right time when you can shoot (which is only during daylight hours) as most of them roam around nocturnally here!


Ah ok, a controlled situation as far as the bears go. It's odd to me that they limit shooting to daylight hours as we don't have that however I guess they make rules dependant upon the needs of each area. All the best with it, I hope your efforts are rewarded.

Yup exactly! So yeah no need for night vision here lol Thanks man!