I haven't done a close look at bullets before, and I didn't realize how sharp looking those rifle rounds are. Not sharp that will prick, but sharp in how much penetration they can do. These look like armor piercing, and look like they would go through kevlar with ease. What's special about the bullet with a weird point [third photo]? The material looks softer than metal, but I feel like that shouldn't be the case.
The third image, that's a .243 round I made using a Hornady VMAX projectile which has a polymer tip which is designed to expand faster (when it hits the target) and in a more uniform way. This imparts more energy and kills more efficiently. I'm impact the polymer tip pushes down into the body of the projectile causing that expansion which will (obviously) cause more damage inside the live target...which will more rapidly be dead.
I see. I guess that's the one you usually use on the animals you hunt? Thanks for the explanation.
I use that in my culling rifle yes, it does a great job on heads.