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RE: Something every homesteader / prepper should have in their first-aid kit!

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

Hey Toby I have a question for you. I got poked in the eyeball with the pointy tip of a cucumber leaf yesterday. It's better today than it was yesterday, but it's still concerning me. As the day wears on, it gets more painful. Anyway, I took homeopathic arnica, three doses, yesterday, and couldn't think of anything else until I remembered your comfrey tincture. So I put a few drops on gauze and taped it to my eyelid over the wound. Does this sound like a good idea to you? And can you think of anything else I can do?



Several drops of colloidal silver will help quickly. Be careful of the alcohol in the tincture around the eye! Echinacea four times a day until resolved, then stop. A couple of drops of castor oil will help seal it. Alternating heat and cold will increase blood flow.

Rest and relax out of the heat for a day or so!



So put the silver directly in the eye? Echinacea orally? Castor oil on the eyelid?

I have been "resting" for two days, meaning doing less, especially outside where the sun really aggravates it. It feels much better this morning, like something not too bad is in my eye.

Directly on the eye on the silver, but also internal. The castor oil just needs to be dropped into the eye. Just a couple of drops....

Echinacea internally!
