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RE: Three essentials

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

I realize more and more the need to be properly prepared if SHTF especially living next year to a very volatile country that has a massive number of weapons. honing my skills and building up my knowledge of my surrounding environment is really a top priority at the moment. thanks for sharing your insite on the matter!


Being prepared is essential in my mind and all of us should have some level of it strategized. You have great skills so it should be easier for you. It's a broad topic and can't be summarised in a single post but thanks for reading this one.

oh forsure and everyone will have a different idea on how they need to prepare based on their needs. I quite enjoy your posts they're always very informative

Thanks mate...My posts are just a shadow of what my real world is like but if they inspire others to think, feel and act then great.