So I misread the beginning part as "stockading my workshop" and now can't get an image of you in your workshop with a little stockade around it out of my head XD
this also resulted in me reading every "stocktake" as "stockade" and things are getting a tad ridiculous as I'm reading both the word that is there and the word my brain decided was there at the same time XD
Can you have a heater in your workshop or is it too dangerous?
I have plenty of jobs I'm actively avoiding. A couple of them (cleaning windows and sorting out books x_x) got started earlier this week, but not sure when I'll get back to it as sibling dearest is up for a couple of weeks so cleaning the house is lower than it usually is on my list of things to do.

Stocktake, stockade...Same thing at my house apparently. Lol.
Hmm, the heater thing is something I considered but I've never done it. There's a lot of gunpowder in there and I try to be super careful. I've even very cautious about the electrical system in there. If something was to go wrong it'd not go so well.
I think you just listed your weekend festivities huh? Window cleaning, book sorting and house cleaning. Bugger of a way to spend a weekend though. 😁
LoL nope, weekend is roleplaying and whatever other shenanigans will fit in.
Yeh I asked because I was wondeering if it would even be safe to have a heater in there with the gunpowder. I don't know if it's actually as explosive as it is in my head XD
It's a long weekend here this weekend. Yay!
I'm going to do stage two of my latest Lego Technic build and...a whole lot more. I might do a post here and there too.
Gunpowder isn't as explosive as in your head probably, but when it goes up you don't want to be anywhere near it! So, no heaters in my workshop, no scented candles either. Lol
Yay for long weekends! Sounds like you got some good plans for it :)