That shredded tyre photo is making my driving anxiety come back x_x
There's things like the heater and the doors that I'm paranoid enough to switch out of automation for XD and a bunch of us at work will satisfy our ocd and recheck doors thaty we have literally just watched someone else lock/check (one amusing incident was me watching my boss lock and then double check a door, a friend who hadn't seen the boss lock the door check it on her way past scant minutes later, and I cheerfully announnced that I was doing it too coz I felt left out and playfully checking the door directly after my friend as I closed the door we'd come through after me and locked and checked, and then my friend playfully checked the door I'd justy locked and checked behind me).
I have to recheck my bag first aid kit really soon (I was reminded when going through looking for an eyepatch for middle child as her brother had flicked his shirt at her and accidentally hit her in the eyeball and she wanted to keep it shut for a while and found a soap impregnated sponge that was looking very green inside its packaging and I think that probably should be replaced) and I don't want to think about my car one which I'm pretty sure I haven't looked at for at least a year if not longer x_x
Think the only thing I'm doing skill check wise is anxiously following my boss around trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible to make sure I'm doing my job right.
Haha, yes I get anxiety when I off-road at times, it can be pretty hairy, especially the beach where getting bogged could mean losing the vehicle to the tide.
I write these posts for fun, but if it makes someone check their first aid kit I feel happy because doing that could very well help avoid a bad situation later down the track. I get it, these are out of sight out of mind things, but a little thought could prevent a lot of heartache later.
I think I'd get even more anxious off road XD doesn't help that I've never off-roaded as a driver (too anxious).
I get more anxious being a passenger off-road than when I'm driving myself. It's like riding motorbikes...When I'm riding it, no worries, being a pillion passenger? Nope, no can do.
I'm only anxious being a passenger when taking my L-platers on driving lessons XD
Haha, yeah I'd be a nervous matter how good said L-plater may be at driving.