I've carried their 380 for years, it never has misfired even once. Very accurate, hits 4 of ten on an 8 inch steel target at 100 yards, the rest are close enough to be a kill shot. I carry a 9mm as primary now.
This 22 magnum was about $500 USD. I really like the KSG from kel tec, want one!
Hmm, ok that's a hood wrap up for them. I'll do some more research.
Research is always best, saves problens later! But they are a good company, and I like their toys.
The problem is I can't play with one prior to buying so I have to perform some due diligence. :)
Sorry, here some stores have an internal range....
I try to take newbies to the range and let them try toys first, and get in some teaching too!
The one I'm looking at has a unique forward-grip set up and it wold be cool to try it first but it's not possible as I don't know anyone who has one and this shop is 3,000 kilometres from me. I'll keep researching.
A 22 plinker is always fun, and a great way to train up the next generation!
They have never made a bad one, keep on checking around....