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RE: Perception: You idiot

It is humbling! The homeless started calling us GOD's Angels, and it kind of stuck about ten years ago. That was kind of embarrassing at first, but when I saw how serious they were; it touched my heart. Some really good people, just in a bad spot!

It does seem to take forever, but I know she is healing Fast. I am just trying to learn patience...and I want it right Now, LOL 😂

Thanks for the prayers, they really help!



Oh yes, it is always a pleasure to feed appreciative families and we have also been called many names. All good of course, but at times some sour souls have also called me many bad names, especially when I find them cheating.

Patience and right now are not related as the first is known as waiting and the latter is known as instant. In my experience nothing good can come from instant 😉
Just glad that she is making progress.

Always my friend.


I am the security, and I've had to run a very few off when fighting was more important than food; but that is rare! The last problem was two years ago, and the other homeless ran them both off for me.

Yes, here there is a joke " GOD grant me Patience...and I want it right now!"; that is presented as a bad example of prayer. It sums up a lot of problems with prayer today.


BEERHey @smithlabs, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I appreciate it!
