
A bit more costly than I would have thought. We have gel blasters here, basically plastic toy guns that look like the real thing and shoot some sort of reconstituted gel ball. They don't shoot far. I've shot one but don't really get into them. I think Airsoft is a step up from there the way I understand it.

 5 years ago  

😂 yeah airsoft is the next step.

As I've said before, I prefer the real thing but those Airsoft guns look ok, certainly better than those gayblasters. I mean, gel blasters.

20 years ago, if legal here, I would have been right into Airsoft as an entertainment.

 5 years ago  

😂 'gayblasters',

Gotta be careful saying things like that these days...But I figure dafauq I care, I'm 50 and can say what I want on my own blog. Lol.

 5 years ago  

😂😂 trust