Yup~ fell for it as well just like the other boys. That was pretty clever, I like what you did. hahahahaha. i can tell you really like outdoor gear, the knife looks like its been with you for some time, I am starting to see small subtle details in your posts. :)
Ah also , I like what you did with your WE logo.... small, subtle color changes. Thats good attention to detail~ keep these Boob's coming! Boots~ yup.
Haha, another one! You know, I'm a simple man and doing little clickbait things like this now and then brings me far more enjoyment than it probably should, but I'll take it.
I love the outdoors and have spend the vast majority of my life out there doing one thing or another for work or enjoyment and the equipment goes with the territory. That EDC knife is a little cracker. I did a post here if you want a closer look. It's been with me for a long time, I keep it razor sharp and it's been put to use in its intended way more than once.
Oh yeah, the logo. I added the blue and green to tie in with a couple of the topics this week and I'll do my own blue and green post a little later too. It's the little things right?
Boobs will keep on coming. Boots too. Lol.