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RE: Destruction

"Bacon comes from the store, not from a pig." My oldest once said this to me, when he was very young. I suppose he's partially correct.

I gotta say, though, I wouldn't have it in me to do that. My hunting is performed at the grocery store. Sometimes it's unsuccessful, too! I have no qualms, questions, or reservations about where my meat comes from, but that's a task I would just not want to do.

Then again, I have absolutely no issue at all with personally eradicating mice and other rodents. Little fuckers is what they are.

No one bitches about a lion chowing down on a gazelle. Gazelle can be destructive in their own right. If we remove lions from the food chain (which we're good at doing, as humans), then it'd fall upon us to cull the gazelle, too. It all works out.


Oh yeah, that old chestnut! I once got asked, can't you just go to the supermarket and get your meat from where it's made? H,,, yeah, I get my milk right from the source too, the carton. Nutbags.

I understand that you'd not like to harvest your own meat for consumption, I get it. What I don't get is people who eat meat and call hunting and culling inhumane. I'll never understand that fuckasssery.

Anyway, thanks for coming by, I know you're busy so I appreciate it.