
Haha, I vaguely remembered this scene, and it's still funny till this day! So effective, too XD

Lol, well I suppose I need to take responsibility for comments like this considering my title. I needed a laugh so I figured why not. Yeah, there's so many aspects to shooting, and whilst shooting like in this little clip may seem the right way to go...well, not always I guess. :)

Lol, personally I always welcome a bit of euphemism on posts. It just makes it that much more fun to read along XD. To be fair though, I you'd hand me over a couple of UZIs, I'd probably akimbo fire it just like that :-D

Lol...I fired an Uzi once...Worst fucking gun ever...Unless the target is 10 feet in front of you and standing still.

Well, I always thought highly of the Uzi, just for how cool it looks. Thanks for breaking the illusion :-(

I guess it has its use, but really is a pretty pointless gun. It's difficult to control, hard to aim. There's other more useful guns that have the ability to provide similar firepower with more accuracy and ability to adapt to changing situations. The Uzi is one-dimentional.

Ah, I guess so. I think it might be the reason why the Uzi is no longer in use these days, while other SMGs like the MP5 has gone through multiple iterations.

The MP5 and a few others do the job better than an Uzi every could. So ungainly to shoot and only really popular in the movies, and probably video games when a soggy carrot could also shoot well.