You nailed it. What better and more accessible way to develop some survival skills, have fun and enjoy our planet. There are places as easy to stay at as a motel and always camping friends to take you with them on an adventure.

I started out with a $20 tent and a case of beer decades ago. September last, I joined a crew miles off in the bush and canoed 3 lakes in to an even more remote site. A huge leap from start til now but I bet I could bring a noobie with me in the front of the canoe and have them do just fine with the supplies I had.
I take for granted that I am in an area without a wilderness trying in unison to kill me like it is in Oz! I am in a province with 35000 sq miles of provincial park, and way more crown land on top of that. Gotta get out more and it is a skill and experience that connects us.
I think there a certain connection that comes through camping and the basic act of subsistence - a connection with the planet, those we have with us and ourselves. It strips away most of the complexities society dictates.
Your $20 tent sounds familiar to my early days, cheap equipment and not much of it but loads of fun. I know so many people don't like camping, some due to bad experiences, but I feel glad to be one who is good at it and enjoys it.
Happy camping!