WOD 05.05.21

in CROSSFIT4 years ago

3 Rounds
10 Snatch Shoulder press
7 Shoulder Taps
7 Burpees
7 kb Swings

Custom Metcon (Time)
Absolute Speed
7 Rounds
100 mts Super Sprint
Rest 30 Secs btween sets
anotar menor tiempo que hiciste
Weightlifting (Press)

Behind the neck Strict Press
@3232 sugerido

**Custom Metcon (Rondas y Reps)
2 Burpees
12 Heavy Sit Ups
2 Burpees
12 Jumping Pull Ups

2 Burpees
12 In and Outs
2 Burpees
At the end of each round do 10 mts Bear Crawl