WOD 11.05.21

in CROSSFIT4 years ago

3 Rounds
3 7 way hip each side
10 bird dogs
wall hollow squat
5/5 Heavy step ups
Custom Metcon (Reps)
Circuit 1 min work 30 secs Rest

5 Rondas

-Max time Heavy wall one leg Hollow Squat
Rest 30 Secs
-Max reps Deadlift 115/85
Rest 30 secs
-Max time Heavy wall one leg Hollow Squat
Rest 30 Secs
-Max Reps Heel Elevated Goblet Squat
Rest 30 Secs

Complementary Work (Weight)
5 Rounds
Busca un peso máximo para :
-20 Secs Sled Push UBKN
If you get to the round # 1-2-3-4and you couldnt make the weight ubkn Go back to the wight before and complete the 5 rounds